Carolyn's Page


The Misc. Menu is now at the Bottom of the Table of Contents

Click Media Links Button; then, Click The History Channel Logo

Concerning your concern for the Unified Concept: See the 2nd quote on the Quotation Page.  

You can only get to the "Miscellaneous Menu" from Carolyn's Page.  See above and Below End of Page. 

. . . I mean really old !

I consider this as one of my better, and more important, essays.  Since it was written many people have told me how much it has changed their lives.  Others talk to me several months later, and tell me that it keeps meaning more and more to them as they reread it.  For the most part these are ordinary people that I thought would never understand it.  Some I gave it to because I thought the title would convince them that I really believed in their God and get them off my back.  Most now believe in Oneness.  Go figure. 

Spoke to Arturo just before calling you.  He's fine.  Promised I'd take a bus up there in a few months.

Don't stop watching or pushing the refresh button until you know why I've sent you to this Table:

I've added a lot to the TOC; see if you can find the items that should be worth 5 or 6, or so, Nobel Prizes.

Also, added several, about 10, new Quotes (Voltaire to follow soon), many small tweaks elsewhere.

This is quite a crowd to fly with.
(What was it that Churchill said about ending a sentence with a preposition?)

Morrison, Arturo, and Rabinowitz are a day or two away from a mailing.  The site should be good enough for release to worldclass people by this weekend.  (If I can keep the lid on that long.)

How do you like Web Communication? (My early 1999 invention; and still an exclusive.  Shortly; I'll be doing it around the world with several scholars who are coming aboard to learn it.)  You've been part of just a very small (one-way) example of it.  This makes you more advanced in leading edge computer applications technology than Paul and Ian. 


See what the internet can do minutes after the State of  Union speech"

Clinton is under this button: 

Everything you see has been copied to my hard drive, where I can edit it, as I like..  You are viewing it from cyberspace,

Have you tried clicking on any links on the "Links" Page?  I have about a hundred to add.  Eventually they will be grouped and put on a menu.  Something that you could easily.

See if you can find me under all the Brunardot facade.   CLICK HERE


Thanks to your interest and corrections, I've read "Phorbs" and tweaked it for somewhat more clarity.    CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE  for addition to comment at Morrison statement. (If the computer doesn't go directly to Morrison it's reading an old version from the hard drive.  If so, click Refresh button . . . You're starting to navigate like a pro)  After reading Morrison, check the first entry, at the top, from Dan Botez, he was a Physicist employed as a Sr. Project Mgr. at TRW's Satellite Division; he is now employed as a physicist at U of WI.


I've beefed up the Comments Page.  You may not recognize all these names; but they are well known by everyone in academia.  They are NOT lightweights.

                      CLICK HERE

Also, I've added several new, powerful quotes.  Specifically: Tarski, Herbert, Nagel & Newman

/e-pho is up and /th8
's (Essay, Phorbs & Table, Harmonic ellipses +8) corollaries are nearly finished.  

Corollaries look good, much work; but you probably won't understand them.  Their beauty lies in their simplicity where there should be great complexity; and also, their universality.  That U = 1 solves one of the most fundamental questions that has bugged math since the Greeks.

                      CLICK HERE

Enjoy!  If you can.  I know this gets "heavy" for adults.

More relevant quotes are due late today.  I need a nap now.  Spent an all-nighter on picking my brain.

Note the new section in the Table of Contents
                      CLICK HERE
"Observable, Quantitative Proofs and Predictions."  This means you can measure the predictions of my Theory.  The phenomena mentioned are without any viable explanation; some for about 100 and 40 years.

The Gloves are coming off . . . Check This!
                      CLICK HERE
Three of the 5 are probably the three most respected persons in physics over the last 20 years.

Intelligent Design
Beauty . . . within our mind

The above poem is completed.   CLICK HERE.

The Challenge Page has been updated.  Tuesday nite sounds great.

Subj: the wonderful things you're doing
Date: 1/19/00 11:57:23 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: Brunardot @ MotoXDoc
To: Paul FitzG, Brunardot

I am sooooo impressed!  [Thank you.  You are now Web Communicating.]



There is one Universe.

It is perpetual, in equilibrium;

and, a manifestation of the
Unified Concept; thus;

. . . the Fundamental Postulate.


are a single discipline, Philogic,
which proclaims perpetuity

and the nexus of Life; such is

. . . Conceptualism.

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