Windows 2000

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1) Simpler, More Intelligent User Interface
Windows 2000 Professional streamlines the familiar Windows interface by reducing desktop clutter and simplifying the Start menu so that it shows only the applications you use most often. It also introduces new interface features like integrated network/computer/Web search and more intuitive help.

2) Easy to Use and Configure
Windows 2000 Professional maximizes employee productivity and self-sufficiency because it’s easier to use and configure. New configuration wizards, application transparency, and increased availability of network tools and services help clients take the guesswork out of configuring, setting up, and operating their system.

3) Next-Generation Web Integration
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 is fast, easy, and productive—and it's built into Windows 2000 Professional. The newest version of Microsoft’s browser software saves you time by completing your most frequently performed tasks automatically.

4) State-of-the-Art Mobile Support
Windows 2000 Professional supports the latest laptop and mobile devices that help you work from any location and save battery power—in or out of the office. And with its Offline Files and Synchronization Manager, you can access data when you’re not on the company network and synchronize your files when you reconnect.

5) Support for Next-Generation Hardware
Windows 2000 Professional supports the latest hardware devices and technologies that help you work better and faster—including Universal Serial Bus, IEEE 1394, Accelerated Graphics Port, and ATM data transfer.

6) Higher Degree of Reliability
Windows 2000 Professional has first-rate reliability, requiring fewer planned and unplanned system restarts than Windows NT Workstation.

7) Higher Level of Performance
Windows 2000 Professional scalable and responds quickly, building on the business tradition and performance of Windows NT Workstation.

8) Standards-based Security
Windows 2000 Professional builds upon the high level of security in Windows NT Workstation by providing a security infrastructure that allows you to select the appropriate amount of protection for your company's most sensitive data and applications.

9) Interoperates with Existing Environments
Windows 2000 Professional works well with any server (Windows 2000, Windows NT, UNIX, or Novell NetWare) and it provides optimal performance with Windows 2000 Server. It makes it easier for administrators to manage a mixed network environment—and it allows users to get their work done without worrying about which server they're using.

10) Easier to Deploy and Manage
Windows 2000 Professional delivers the lowest total cost of ownership because it’s easier to deploy and manage. New wizards like Setup Manager, increased self-manageability, and client-side support for a new generation of management capabilities help administrators run the operating system smoothly and efficiently, thus saving your company money.




Windows 98

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1) Internet Integration
You can now connect directly to the Web from anywhere on your computer, and use the Internet Explorer 5 browser to surf to any file or folder on your computer.

2) More Disk Space
Windows 98 Second Edition provides an average of 28 percent more disk space, thanks to a feature called FAT32 that enables more efficient use of your hard drive.

3) Faster Applications
Windows 98 Second Edition loads your most frequently used applications up to 36 percent faster, thanks to Windows 98's new disk defragmenter.

4) Windows Update
Windows Update is a Web site that makes it easy to download the latest software updates for your specific computer.

5) Supports Current and New Generation Hardware
Windows 98 Second Edition supports all the hardware devices you now run on Windows 95, plus it supports a new generation of hardware that includes USB devices—which make adding and removing peripherals a snap.

6) Internet Connection Sharing
With Windows 98 Second Edition, you can set up a network among all your computers at home, and share one connection to your Internet Service Provider—so you and your kids can be online at the same time.

7) Automatic Computer Maintenance
The Maintenance Wizard in Windows 98 Second Edition helps you quickly set up a routine of automatic tune-up activities that keep your computer running in top form.

8) Troubleshooting Wizards
Windows 98 Second Edition includes 15 troubleshooting wizards that help you zero in on a solution if you ever have a problem.

9) AGP, MMX, DirectX®
Windows 98 Second Edition supports new technologies that make computer games and other multimedia applications more dynamic than ever.

10) DVD
Windows 98 Second Edition supports DVDs, which hold more than 20 times the information of CD-ROMs. Now you can enjoy full, feature-length movies with theater-quality images and sounds, plus faster and more realistic games and other multimedia software.



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