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Debbie's Page
(Page is accessible by clicking the Unified Concept Icon  
on the "Challenge" web page.)

I will keep you posted, on this page, of significant site changes.

You can only get to the "Miscellaneous Menu" from this Page.  See above and Below End of Page.

. . . I mean really old !

Give me some room in your mailbox.  Much of importance to send (Can now 2-2-00 Ignore; some of it was about China)

I consider this as one of my better, and more important, essays.  Since it was written many people have told me how much it has changed their lives.  Others talk to me several months later, and tell me that it keeps meaning more and more to them as they reread it.  For the most part these are ordinary people that I thought would never understand it.  Some I gave it to because I thought the title would convince them that I really believed in their God and get them off my back.  Most now believe in Oneness.  Go figure. 

Don't stop watching or pushing the refresh button until you know why I've sent you to this Table:


See if you can find the real me under all the Brunardot facade.
              CLICK HERE


/e-pho is up and /th8's (Essay, Phorbs & Table, Harmonic ellipses +8) corollaries are nearly finished.  

Corollaries look good, much work; but you probably won't understand them.  Their beauty lies in their simplicity where there should be great complexity; and also, their universality.  That U = 1 solves one of the most fundamental questions that has bugged math since the Greeks.

                      CLICK HERE

Enjoy!  If you can.  I know this gets "heavy" for adults.

More relevant quotes are due late today.  I need a nap now.  Spent an all-nighter on picking my brain.

Note the new section in the Table of Contents
                      CLICK HERE
" Observable, Quantitative Proofs and Predictions."  This means you can measure the predictions of my Theory.  The phenomena mentioned are without any viable explanation; some for about 100 and 40 years.

The Gloves are coming off . . . Check This!
                      CLICK HERE
Three of the 5 are probably the three most respected persons in physics over the last 20 years.

Intelligent Design
Beauty . . . within our mind

The above poem is completed.   CLICK HERE .

Speech by George Soros 
Speeches by George Soros
This letter was written to the committees
in the Senate and House voting on the 
Telecommunications Indecency Act. It was written by
Mr. Soros as a private citizen and as such does not
reflect the views of any of his organizations.
December 18, 1995

Members of Congress:

I write to express my opposition to proposed legislation to be voted on this week that would censor communications on the Internet. I refer to the Exon Telecommunications Indecency Act (the Act) and related legislation. In my view, such censorship would inspire efforts in other countries to restrict communication on the Internet on political grounds. 
Supporters of the Act apparently believe that pornography reaching the hands of minors on the Internet is a large problem and that evisceration of the First Amendment is an appropriate response. I disagree on both points. Reports of Internet pornography by proponents of Internet censorship bills have been exaggerated. 

More importantly, however, it needs to be established that the First Amendment and its protection of free expression apply fully to new communication technologies. Communication on the Internet should be no more subject to government censorship than the telephones and mails. The issue is not one merely for the United States. Countries around the world are watching our example, to see whether our principles of free expression and democracy will apply to these new technologies. If we decide that censorship is acceptable, rest assured that the world's dictators will do the same. They will cite restrictions on free expression in the United States to justify their censorship practices. Transitions to democracy in many countries have been aided by such new technologies as fax machines and e-mail; it would be ironic if the United States led the way in restricting the content of expression via these technologies. 
Parents can protect their children from such risks posed by the Internet (exaggerated for political ends, in my view) through "intelligent software interfaces" and similar methods rather than through restrictions on the content of transmissions themselves. In any event, the Internet is transgeographical. Attempts to police it to protect United States children from "indecent material," or the Chinese from criticism of the Party, or Romanians from knowledge of official corruption, are bound to be a hopeless exercise. Censorship in one country will simply shift the transmission source to another. 

I urge you to vote against attempts to censor the Internet. Alternatives exist by which parents can control what Internet materials reach their children without the need of state censorship. 
Very truly yours,
George Soros



Darren Goh
April, 1996


E-mail :

There is one Universe.
It is perpetual, in equilibrium; and,

a manifestation of the . . . Unified Concept;


are a single discipline, which proclaims the

perpetuity and nexus of Life; such is

. . . Conceptualism.






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