
Within Conceptualism, Infinity is equivalent to: ONEness, motionlessness, and UnReality.

Infinity is an
absolute, a singularity .  .  . Infinity is the duality of the infinite and the infinitesimal.

Infinity is a manifestation of speed; not locus, distance, nor size.

Infinity is a limit that can be approached, but not reached from Reality.

Most subtly, the effects of Infinity are discernable by a careful examination of the most fundamental manifestations of that which exists.

Perhaps, what is most counter-intuitive about Infinity; and, at the same time, of the utmost importance, for an understanding of the structure and Triquametric motion of seminal phenomena is that:

The infinitesimal is the infinite.    

Infinity is defined by the absence of motion (Reality, therefore, can be defined as the presence of motion).  If an infinite speed could be obtained; motion would STOP; because there would be NO DISTANCE; relativistic distance decreases with speed.  Obviously, at an infinitesimally slow speed motion would also STOP.  Thus, the infinite and the infinitesimal are congruent with the absence of motion.

The many infinities of mathematics are concepts that are not related in any manner with the singularity that is the Infinity of Conceptualism.

Infinity is not a distance, size, cardinality, or anything else that is of, or within, Reality; Infinity is not something for the mathematician to order or manipulate.  Division by zero, "0," is simply nonsense; division by something very, very small is merely something very, very large.  Georg Cantor's Continuum Hypothesis is dogma, which is as absurd as any other current secular theory of origin or metaphysical dogma: i.e. The Big Bang Theory, an anthropic God, etc.

does not exist; and therefore, cannot be defined in any manner other than the negative: such as; it cannot be divided nor added to; nor disproved. 

is defined by motion; that is . . . the absence of motion.  Motion is absent either because of infinite or infinitesimal speed; when speed is infinite there is no distance; thus, no motion.  The instant there is motion, Reality exists.  Infinity is a limit beyond Reality that cannot be reached; unlike a numbering system that can always be extended; and, no matter how large, is always within Reality.

can not be divided; nor, added to.  However, Infinity can be within Infinity; regardless of where Infinity is located within Infinity, "these concepts" are congruent.  Every sub-atomic particle, or Light wave, has a component congruent with Infinity.  These phenomena of particle and Light are disparate and non-local; yet, at all times they are comprised of congruent components.  Thus, the omnipresence of Gravity's apparent, illusional, gravitational "attraction" and Light's, near, constant speed.

It could be said that the evolution of Reality begins near Infinity and continues to it's furthest known state within the mind of human beings.

As a singularity . . . there can be only one Infinity.

[Infinity, when uniquely capitalized and italicized, is intended to be defined as it is herein; and, as it is used within Conceptualism.

Other common words, which have precise and unique definitions in Conceptualism are also indicated with particular styling; terms such as:  ONEness, Reality, Gravity, Universe, Consciousness, and LIGHT.]

The American Heritage Dictionary contains the following Usage Note for "Infinite":

Infinite is sometimes grouped with absolute terms such as unique, absolute, and omnipotent, since in its strict mathematical sense it allows no degree modification or comparison; one quantity cannot be more infinite than another... Unlike other absolute terms, however, infinite also does not permit modification by adverbs such as nearly and almost; mathematically, infinity is not approached by degrees.  ...


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