Taisoid is an acronym for
Tangent infinity
A Taisoid is a compressed Pulsoid,
which evolves to an atom when it reachs a point of critical compression.
Groups of critically compressed Tasoids manifest as Quasars and Gamma
Ray Bursts.
Tasoids, unlike Pulsoids, exhibit all the phenomena of mass. All
Reality, which is limited by Infinity, is constructed of Tasoids
and Pulsoids.
Tasoids are either Ultrons or atoms, which are, respectively, within the
realms of Compression and Dissipation.
Tasoids are composed of hyper-relativistic, tangent, pulsating, spinning,
spheroids, which are supported by an infinite number of similarly, alternating,
pulsating spheroids. The curvature of all
spheroids, within Tasoids, are always integers in the manner of Tangent, Infinite
Integer (Tini) Circles. Thus, the pulses of Taisoids are
solitonic, non-linear, and perpetual.