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. . . has begun.

get ready for a . . .

 "new physics"

. . . and philosophy !


Reality . . . exegesis
from infinite pulsoids to human beings

Brunardot...is in !

  To explain the mathematics of Unimetry as
     applied to resolving the enigmas of physics;
         and, also, to answer questions; such as:

          How the internal structure of Light accounts for its
          "constant speed"; and, how this structure evolves to
          become matter, which resolves the mystery of the
          long-sought, missing, "exotic" dark-matter structures.

          From where does the energy within the Universe
          come?  How does it return to it source?

         How does the atom acquire all its energy?; and, What
         holds that energy within the atom?

         How three phenomena manifest as the illusion of
         "attraction-at-a-distance". . . Gravity.

Ellipses and Prime Numbers reconcile the formulas
         of Light and Gravity.

        Why antimatter is not found in Nature.

        The unimetric proof of the Naturally equivalent
        integers: "one" and "zero."


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