This is the type of thing I'll begin posting on


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janiefg1: Paul ? 

Unified Concept: Hey I like your tag. 

Unified Concept: You're moving up 

Unified Concept: are you there? E-mail. If you're having problems answering, 

janiefg1: this is Jane 

Unified Concept: So I surmised. 

janiefg1: I finally found someone... 

janiefg1: Carol and Susan have instant message but I never find them online 

Unified Concept: How do you come by the screen name and welcome to AOL. I'm here 
about 18 hours a day. Finding me is no big deal. 
Unified Concept: I just posted a picture go to 

janiefg1: I will try 

Unified Concept: It's about time you got AOL. 

Unified Concept: Carolyn will be on tuesday nite as NPBchLady 

janiefg1: I don't have aol... 

Unified Concept: Incidentally I hate IM's. Much prefer E-mail. How did you find me at this personal site or did I give it to you. 

Unified Concept: Sorry I thought when only a name came across it meant you were AOL. 

janiefg1: You gave it to me....I know you are busy I will say hi to Carolyn Tues 

Unified Concept: I know how you can get it for $9.00 a month and HIGHLY recommend it. 

Unified Concept: Thanks a lot.

Bye for now 

janiefg1: bye