Edited Excerpt from: A Brief Overview of Reality
in Accordance with Brunardot Ellipses, copyright 2001

a succinct explanation of . . . Why ?

The source of numbers, referred to as Natural integers, answers the questions:

Phi ?
Why Fibonacci ?
Why Mathematics ?
What is "One" ?
Why Time, Distance, and Space ?; and,
How are the entangled enigmas of contemporary physics reconciled ?

The simple, heuristic explanations, for the above salient questions of Reality; 1.) Define the duality of Infinity; 2.) Demonstrate that the ubiquitous Fibonacci Series is a portion of that particular series of the infinite-termed, continuous Brunardot Series that begins with "one," (1); 3.) Shows how Phi, the Golden Ratio, is locked to the Fibonacci Series; and, 4.) Establishes a relativistic proof of "One," which, also, sets up the remainder of a continuous system of numbers, which establishes the discipline of mathematics, which underlies the theorems and paradigms of physics.

Before motion there is no de facto "unit" from which a numbering system can be established.  The source of numbers begins with the seminal motion of Reality.  Before this seminal motion there is no Time, Distance, or "Space"; there is no "unit," or "One"; there is motionlessness, which is the absence of motion.  Everything within Reality has motion; therefore the absence of motion is beyond Reality, which absence is the definition of Infinity . . . i.e. - a limit which cannot be reached . . . only approached from Reality.  Infinity is defined by speed rather than distance or size.  Infinite speed is equivalent to motionlessness because, if speed is infinite, there can be no distance; and therefore, without distance there is no motion.

Infinitesimal speed and infinite speed are both without motion and  . . . equivalent.

Thus, relativistically, which is the state of Reality, the infinite and the infinitesimal are equivalent; this equivalency, or duality of Infinity, is the definition of "Infinity" within the philosophy of Conceptualism.

The seminal motion of Reality begins quaquaversally where Reality begins at Infinity, which can be considered as a dimensionless point.  This first motion manifests as a pulse because Infinity is a singularity and can be neither added to nor diminished; therefore, there can be no separation.  This principle of the "constancy" of Infinity underlies the principle of the conservation of energy.

That there is a seminal motion, as described, which is referred to as the Unified Concept, must be taken on faith.  This minuscule faith, which is observably logical because of its omnipresence,  is the only faith that Conceptualism requires.

The seminal pulse is referred to as an Oscilloid.  An examination of the geometry of the Oscilloid reveals the source of numbers.  Unimetry is preferred to the term geometry to describe the mathematics associated with Infinity, numbers, and Oscilloids.  Unimetry is particularly concerned with the coalescence, compression, dissipation, and the subsequent cosmic evolution and perpetual cycling of that motion as described by Brunardot Harmonic Ellipses and Tasoids, which paradigm is referred to as the Equilibrium Theory of Reality.

Oscilloids maintain an incessant pulsating beat, proliferation, and propagation that is the foundation of all the phenomena of Reality.  The motion of this pulse is sinusoidal waves, which are referred to as Oscillescents and are analogous to, and a precursor, of Light.  Thus, unimetry considers the internal structure of Light.
Oscillescents move sinusoidally within Reality, at speeds between near the infinite and the infinitesimal, between the dualities of Infinity.

The Unimetry of an Oscilloid
pagation that is the foundation of all the phenomena of Reality.  The m








, named the Brunardot Golden Series because of its relationship to the ratio Phi, F, known as the Golden Ratio.