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Pulsating ellipsoids:

The seminal phenomenon of pulsating ellipsoids will be referred to as "Pulsoids."  An ellipsoid is a three dimensional object created by the rotation of an ellipse about its axis creating a shape somewhat similar to that of an American football.

The pulses of these seminal ellipsoids, which are the result of three simultaneous types of oscillation, are quite complex.  The interactions and basic mathematical harmony of the oscillations underlie all the phenomena of Reality.

The harmonic feedback within the internal structure of pulsoids evolves, spontaneously, to the phenomenon of exclusion, which manifests as matter and the effects of Gravity.  The evolution of matter, and subsequently Light, follows a unique development that has probably not been considered because of the overwhelming, obfuscating, influence of the Big Bang theory, aided by much of Quantum Mechanics' voodoo.

Pulsoids are the "string" of String theory, the precursor of Membrane theory.  It is Pulsoids which give rise to academic physics' search for the enigmatic energy "from the void."

When the foci of an ellipsoid approaches the infinite, the shape of the ellipse approaches that of a one-dimensional line.  Such a "strung-out" Pulsoid behaves somewhat as the mystical strings of String theory.  An ellipsoid with foci approaching the infinitesimal accounts for circles and circular globes.  All curves and lines of Reality are represented by the "sinusoidal" Pulsoids.  Sinusoidal is added for emphasis, because the term sinusoidal is redundant when referring to a Pulsoid.

Misleading definitions of inertia aside, Pulsoids are the nearest example there is to a straight line in Reality; except for the direction of light, which is, not unexpectedly, represented by the minor diameter of said Pulsoids.


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There is one Universe.

It is perpetual, in equilibrium;

and, a manifestation of the
Unified Concept; thus;

. . . the Fundamental Postulate.


are a single discipline, Philogic,
which proclaims perpetuity

and the nexus of Life; such is

. . . Conceptualism.


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Leonardo da Pisa, Arturo Meniot, & Denis Diderot

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