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 "new physics"

. . . and philosophy !


Reality . . . exegesis
from infinite Oscilloids to human beings

Brunardot . . . is in !

  To explain the mathematics of Unimetry as applied to resolving the enigmas of physics; and, also, to answer questions; such as:

          How does the internal structure of Light account for its "constant speed"; and, How does this internal structure evolve from matter?; and, How does the seminal structure of matter resolve the mystery of the long-sought, missing, "exotic" dark-matter structures?

          What is the source of the "vacuum fluctuations" that account for all the energy and material within the Universe?; and, How do the phenomena of Reality return to this source?

         How does the atom acquire all its energy?; and, What holds that energy within the atom?

         How do three phenomena manifest as the illusion of "attraction-at-a-distance". . . Gravity?  (Which explains how Gravity is composed of two reactive, opposing forces; one of which is the often overlooked force of Cosmic Inertia, which is often referred to as "dark energy," which is the force that underlies accelerating galactic recession.)

         How, and why, certain Ellipses and Prime Numbers reconcile the formulas of Light and Gravity?

        Why is antimatter not found in Nature?

        What is the unimetric proof that the Natural integers: "one" and "zero" are equivalent?

        And, so on . . .                                            .

  Thus, Brunardot's Reality is the only alternative theory which provides a cohesive explanation for twelve unanswerable questions that confound academic Science, Theology, and Philosophy at the end of the 20th Century.

Questions . . .??  

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