There are many amazing aspects concerning the integers of the Harmonic Unimetry "HU" ellipses as reflected by the data in Table U8.

All data is the result of very simple calculations; beginning with ANY, single integer; as demonstrated by the formulas that are shown as corollaries to Brunardot's Theorem.

The salient formulas can be located by "clicking" on numbers that are generally along the left side of the Tables.

The significance of all the integers is that: Nature evolves in integers.  There are no partial solitons in nature; there are either complete solitons; or, no solitons.  Thus, all fundamental Natural phenomena involves integers and simple manipulations or calculations.  Harmonic Unimetry ellipses are a representation of naturally forming phenomena.  HU elliptical structures evolve from the coalescence of simpler Conceptual and Brunardot elliptical structures.

All Conceptual ellipses are ellipses that are formed by the oscillations of a state of Light; and manifest as radiant energy.  Light oscillates in three very different ways: "sliding," "pulsing," and "swinging."  These three types of oscillations will be discussed elsewhere in more detail.  For now, it is sufficient to know that all three forms of oscillation are represented by pulsoids.

Pulsoids represent every element, or phenomena, that exists within Reality.   The pulsoid's unimetry is analogous to Conceptual, Brunardot, and Harmonic Unimetry ellipses.

When Force "F," because of coalescence, increases until it is an integer, Brunardot ellipses and HU ellipses are formed, which manifest as mass. 

The data indicates that for every integer there is a harmonic "h" that generates an unending series of special Brunardot ellipses that are referred to as the Harmonic Unimetry ellipses, which have both the radius "r" and the vector "v" as squares of integers.  Also, The Brunardot Prime Integer "i" and the radius "r" are Natural Prime Numbers.

 Also, the harmonic "h," an integer, is a factor of light "L," an integer; this relationship of "L" and "h" is expressed by the Harmonic Ratio "HR," which is also an integer.

In addition to those components mentioned, all Brunardot and HU ellipses contain the following as integers: the square of the Brunardot chord "c," Force "F,"  perigee "p," and soliton "s"; and of course, their constructs, such as: apogee "a" and light "L" are also integers.

Unimetry is the "geometry" of the Universe.

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There is one Universe.
It is perpetual, in equilibrium; and,

a manifestation of the . . . Unified Concept;


Science, Theology, and Philosophy

are a single discipline, which is referred to as:

. . . Conceptualism.

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