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Squares, primes, and proofs
by: Ivars Peterson, Online Editor Mathematics/Computers
Science News, Volume 157, No. 3, January 15, 2000, Mathematics, page 47

In studying whole numbers, mathematicians have discovered a variety of surprising patterns.  One of the most important results of elementary number theory is the so-called law of quadratic reciprocity, which links prime numbers (those evenly divisible only by themselves and one) and perfect squares (whole numbers multiplied by themselves).  [Such linkage is a common feature of Brunardot's Theorem, which links Natural Prime numbers with every integer.  -B]

For a positive integer, d, the law describes the primes, p, for which there exists a number x such that dividing the square of x by p gives the same remainder as dividing d by p.  For example, if p is 23 and d is 3, there's a solution when x is 7.  Dividing 72, or 49 by 23 leaves the remainder 3, as does dividing 3 by 23.  The law specifies the relationship that must hold between p and d for an x to exist.  [Brunardot's Theorem goes far beyond this relationship to much more complex situations.  See: Brunardot's Harmonic Ellipses.  -B]

Mathematicians have sought to generalize the law to cover cases such as when the numbers are not squares but cubes or larger powers.  [Brunardot's Theorem holds for every integer.  -B]  In the late 1960s, Robert Langlands, now at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., describes how such reciprocity laws might work in general context in number theory, in which integers represent a special case.  [This is what Brunardot's Theorem does . . . and much more.  -B]

Michael Harris of the University of Paris VII and Richard Taylor of Harvard University recently proved this conjecture, called the "local Langlands correspondence."  It was also independently established as a theorem shortly afterward by Guy Henniart of the University of Paris-South.  [Brunardot published a much more general and extensive theory in the Spring of 1994.  -B]

The proof of the theorem "in full generality represents a milestone [Harris, et al.'s theory is not near "full generality."  -B] in algebraic number theory," [Brunardot's Theorem unifies the fundamental phenomena of physics and . . . Science, Theology, and Philosophy.  -B] mathematician Jonathan Rogawski of the University of California, Los Angeles remarks in the January
Notices of the American Mathematical Society.


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