week, the venerable American Museum of Natural History in New York City will
unveil an exhibit on the history of the universe. Descending a spiral ramp,
visitors will journey through the cosmos beginning at its fiery birth some 13
billion years ago. Few
will notice the small metal plaque at the entrance to the gallery, let alone
the mathematical symbols engraved upon it. But these symbols speak volumes
about the size and fate of the cosmos—and the rapidity with which astronomers have come to
embrace one of the most bizarre discoveries ever made. Just 2 short years ago,
two teams of astronomers presented the first evidence that we live in a runaway universe, driven
to expand at a faster and faster rate. That finding is in direct
conflict with the simplest version of the Big Bang.
According to that theory, the universe has expanded ever since its explosive
birth, but gravity has gradually slowed the expansion. Even if the universe
grows forever, the theory predicts that it should do so at a steadily
decreasing rate. Recent
observations of exploded stars, however, suggest that the universe's rate of
expansion is in fact increasing. Over the past year, new data appear to corroborate those findings. To
be sure, no one is yet claiming that the notion has been proved. "I
don't think it's yet definitive, but it's certainly our current best model,"
says cosmologist David N. Spergel of Princeton University. It was good enough
for Spergel, along with several other eminent astronomers, to recommend that
the museum inscribe the parameter for an accelerating universe on its plaque. Although
the model may not be cast in concrete, it's now been engraved in bronze. So far, astronomers have found no
serious objections to the acceleration model. Nonetheless, "it's a big puzzle,"
says Scott Dodelson of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia,
Ill. Typically, he notes, theory leaps ahead of observations in cosmology. In
this case, however, "people
are struggling to understand the data. It's a crazy time," he
says. Several
studies promise to tie up loose ends—or overturn the idea—over the next 2
years. Many of the tests have their roots in 1998 findings on the exploded
stars called type 1a supernovas. To
determine whether or not the universe is revving up its rate of expansion,
astronomers several years ago began comparing type 1a supernovas in distant
regions of the universe with those nearby. Not only can these brilliant
beacons be seen from far away—more than halfway to the edge of the observable
universe—they also appear to have the same intrinsic brightness in both
nearby and distant galaxies, like light bulbs of the same wattage. Because
light from a distant galaxy takes several billion years to reach Earth,
astronomers observe that galaxy as it appeared when the universe was several
billion years younger. If gravity were steadily slowing cosmic expansion, the
distance between Earth and that remote galaxy would be less, and the galaxy
would thus appear brighter, than if the expansion had proceeded at a constant
rate. By the same token, a supernova in a remote galaxy would look brighter
in a decelerating universe than it would in a universe where expansion has
been constant. In early 1998,
two teams startled astronomers by finding exactly the opposite effect.
Distant supernovas
appeared 20 percent dimmer than expected for constant expansion, indicating that over
the past few billion years,
the universe's growth has sped up (SN: 12/19&26/98, p. 392). Cosmologists
have come to attribute the
acceleration to an unusual form of energy that distributes itself uniformly
throughout the cosmos rather than breaking into galaxies, galaxy
clusters, superclusters, or other clumps. At present, this energy has a higher density than matter, and
its gravitational influence dominates the cosmos.
call this energy the
cosmological constant, a term first invoked by Albert Einstein in 1917
when he realized that his theory of gravity predicted a universe that was either
expanding or contracting. Because standard wisdom at the time held that the
universe is static, Einstein added the cosmological constant so that his
equations would allow a stationary solution. He later abandoned the idea, calling it "my
greatest blunder." To
explain the new observations,
cosmologists have resurrected the cosmological constant. Many
associate its energy with the sea of particles and antiparticles that,
according to quantum mechanics, populates empty space. Others call it "funny energy"
and propose that it relates to the quantum nature of gravity. In either case, it's exotic stuff and poorly
understood. In
general relativity, the strength of gravity depends on pressure, energy, and matter.
Funny energy acts as a
negative pressure, pushing on the fabric of space-time. If the
universe contains a large enough component of this exotic energy, the net
effect of gravity
becomes repulsive rather than attractive. Cosmic expansion speeds up
instead of slowing down. But
are the supernova studies correct? "The cosmological constant is such an
exotic and strange idea . . . there's no really good conceptual understanding of
what it is," says Adam G. Riess, a member of the
High-Z Supernova discovery team at the Space Telescope Science Institute in
Baltimore. "I
think it really requires extraordinary proof to convince people that there's this whole other kind
of energy that makes up
most of the energy in the universe. The only way to give that extra
proof is to really exhaust every other possibility," he says. Among
the confounding effects that might muddy the issue, two have taken center
stage. Cosmic dust could make the supernovas look dimmer, or the more distant
ones might have a composition different from the nearby ones, making them
look fainter. The
first explanation calls for a special type of dust. If the culprit had been
the ordinary form, researchers would already have detected it, says Riess. Ordinary
dust, composed of particles smaller than 0.1 micrometer, preferentially
absorbs blue wavelengths of light, allowing red wavelengths to pass through
relatively unimpeded. Observing the same supernovas at slightly different
wavelengths—some redder, some bluer—astronomers have found no evidence that
such dust significantly blocks the light. That
doesn't rule out a hypothetical type of intergalactic dust composed of
particles 0.1 µm or larger in size. Dubbed gray dust by theorist Anthony N.
Aguirre of Harvard University, such material would absorb red light almost as
well as it does blue. Gray
dust would only betray its subtle presence through observation of a single
supernova at two widely separated wavelengths, a test Riess and his
colleagues performed last year. They found no difference in brightness when
they observed a supernova at 400 nanometers, or blue light, with the Hubble
Space Telescope, and at 900 nm, or near-infrared light, with the Keck I
Telescope atop Hawaii's Mauna Kea. "We
don't see any evidence for gray dust," Riess says. Without similar
studies of other supernovas, "we can't say categorically that it isn't
out there, but this kind of observation disfavors it at a 95 to 98 percent
confidence level," he notes. Riess reported the finding last month at a
meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Atlanta. Nor
have astronomers so far found any significant differences in composition
between nearby and distant supernovas. A new project is looking for
differences between old and young supernovas in nearby galaxies.
telescopes with unusually large fields of view, some of them designed to hunt
near-Earth asteroids, Saul Perlmutter of Lawrence Berkeley (Calif.) National
Laboratory and his colleagues have begun a program to find large numbers of
these supernovas. The project won't swing into full gear until next year. To
test the runaway-universe model directly, astronomers need to find supernovas
at still greater distances than they have so far observed. Theory suggests
that before cosmic expansion sped up, it had slowed down. That's because the
youthful cosmos was much smaller and denser than it is today, and the
gravitational tug exerted by ordinary matter in the universe's early days
would have dwarfed any repulsive force associated with the cosmological
constant (SN: 11/27/99, p. 341). Measuring
the brightness of extremely remote supernovas can reveal whether the universe
had indeed undergone a period of deceleration. If expansion had slowed,
supernovas from long ago would appear brighter than would be expected if expansion
were constant. The
transition between slowing down and speeding up would have occurred when the
universe was about one-third its current age, or about 9 billion years ago,
astronomers calculate. To date, the supernova teams have examined two
supernovas that hail from about this time. Over the next 2 years, Perlmutter
says, researchers are likely to find enough of the extremely distant
supernovas to determine whether there was a deceleration. "This
is a unique signature of a cosmological constant—namely that today the
universe is accelerating, yesterday it was decelerating," says Riess.
Neither dust nor differences in composition could mimic such behavior, he
says. "Nature
would be cruel if it came up with a [different mechanism] that makes things
look dimmer then brighter in just that way," says Spergel. "If we
see both the slowing down and the speeding up, then it becomes a really
compelling case." A
flying observatory devoted to studying type 1a supernovas could gather such
data, Perlmutter says. Such a satellite, known as the Supernova Acceleration
Probe (SNAP), may be launched in 2006. It could make measurements that would
be precise enough to not only document funny energy but also distinguish
between different theories of its nature, he says. For
instance, a theory known as quintessence suggests that the cosmological constant is not a constant
at all but varies over time (SN: 2/28/98, p. 139). In this model,
cosmic expansion would not have sped up as rapidly. A completely independent line of
evidence also leads to a runaway universe and a mysterious form of energy. Just
as ancient explorers mapped the shape of Earth, cosmic cartographers are
charting the shape and density of the universe. Listening to the
cosmic-microwave background, the whisper of radiation left over from the Big
Bang, researchers have confirmed a long-standing prediction that the universe
is flat. It has just enough matter and energy so that the fabric of
space-time is not curved and parallel lines never meet. A
telescope perched high in the Chilean Andes and a balloon-borne detector on a
test flight over Palestine, Texas, have closely examined subtle temperature
variations—tiny hot spots and cold spots—in the microwave background. These
variations, the imprint left on the infant universe from the Big Bang, were
first glimpsed 8 years ago by a NASA satellite. That
satellite, however, could only view the hot and cold spots as broad
brushstrokes, averaged over large chunks of the sky. The
newer experiments reveal the temperature variations in much finer detail.
Both have found that variations in temperature reach their peak over patches
of sky that are 1° across. This size, twice the apparent diameter of the full
moon, fits the model for a flat universe. Other experiments had hinted at the
same finding, but these newer data are the most convincing.
temperature fluctuations recorded by the Chilean telescope, known as the
Mobile Anisotropy Telescope (MAT), and the balloon-borne detector, BOOMERANG,
correspond to microscopic fluctuations in the density of the universe when it
was about 300,000 years old. At that time, the cosmos had cooled to the
temperature where matter and light cease to interact strongly and radiation
could stream freely into space. Amber
D. Miller of Princeton University and her colleagues reported the MAT results
in the Oct. 10, 1999 Astrophysical Journal Letters. Brendan P. Crill
of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, a member of the
Italian-U.S. BOOMERANG team, presented the balloon findings last month at the
Atlanta meeting. "These
are hard measurements to get right, but I think now one can feel some
confidence that the fluctuations do really peak on the 1° scale," says
Spergel. In
a flat universe, the total density of energy and matter must equal the
so-called critical density. A slew of other studies shows, however, that the universe is seriously underweight.
Analysis of the clustering of galaxies across the sky, for example, indicates
that matter provides
only about one-third of the critical density. To
balance the cosmic ledger, some
form of energy must make up the missing 70 percent of the critical density.
The amount of exotic energy suggested by the supernova studies fills the
bill. "Taken
together, the cosmic-microwave background and the supernova data are very powerful
because the two are completely unrelated to each other," says Riess. Although
each set of experiments is susceptible to its own errors, "the
experiments don't have the same Achilles heel," he adds. "It's
pretty suggestive that [the microwave-background studies] fit together very
nicely with the supernova data," adds Spergel. After
carefully combining the results of the supernova studies with those of the
microwave background and other observations, two astronomers say that the findings require a cosmological
constant. Max Tegmark of the University of Pennsylvania in
Philadelphia and Matias Zaldarriaga of the Institute for Advanced Study in
Princeton reported their analysis at last month's astronomy conference. Spergel
worries, however, that other cosmological models could be consistent with the
single peak observed in the microwave-background fluctuations. Compelling
proof that the universe is flat, he says, will come if researchers can detect
a predicted second and third peak. In
the meantime, the American Museum of Natural History wants to make sure it
won't get caught flatfooted. "Our expectation is that we will reevaluate
the prevailing winds of cosmology every 5 years and adjust both the plaque
and the exhibit accordingly," says curator Frank Summers. The plaque, he
notes, is attached by screws and can easily be replaced. Some
astronomers are confident, however, that definitive data may already be in
hand. BOOMERANG's test flight in 1997 examined the microwave background for
just 4.5 hours. A year later, it logged 190 hours during a flight over
Antarctica. BOOMERANG researcher Andrew E. Lange of Caltech says that in
theory, the 1998 experiment is capable of finding a second peak if it's
there. Crill
says the team hopes to announce the results of the 1998 flight in a month or
two. Several astronomers told Science News that they have heard rumors
that the team has already found the second and third peaks. Another
satellite, the Microwave Anisotropy Probe, is set for launch this November.
Much more sensitive than BOOMERANG and capable of viewing the entire sky, it
should find several peaks if they exist, Spergel says. "For
both the cosmic-microwave-background and the supernova studies, there are
data in the next 2 to 3 years that will make this go from a very suggestive
case, a best-bet case, to a really compelling one," Spergel predicts. |
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